Reservoir engineers must provide development scenarii to optimize production or injection while accounting for technical and logistical constraints, in Oil & Gas, Storage or Geothermal context.
To provide methodologies and prototype software optimizing new well locations, their designs and operating conditions.
At present day, 3 methodologies were developed to choose location for new oil production wells (vertical, horizontal and deviated ones), based on statistical analysis of static and dynamic field physical features of interest. The deviated approach selects new well location and computes its geometry following a path of high-oil production capacity without a priori information.
IFPEN owns two patents corresponding to this project. Vertical and deviated methodologies were successfully applied on a real North Africa case and compare with a standard engineering study. Better and faster predicted results at low computational cost for GetMore.
Future work could focus on the development of specific methodologies for injection, storage (CO2, H2…) or geothermal contexts, on the improvement of physical features selection, on the integration of uncertainties (coming from data and models) or on considering well working conditions in the methodologies.