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TELLUS Share membership
A cost-effective way
to be in the loop
25 000 € / year
Unlimited access to the TELLUS website
- Expanded technical information on TELLUS TOOLS prototypes
- Detailed description of TELLUS LAB initiatives
Presentations of TELLUS TOOLS prototypes
- Including live demos when relevant
A yearly consulting budget up to 5 days from TELLUS LAB experts
“Science and tech” intelligence newsletters
- Released every three months
- Edited by professional intelligence experts
- Focused on geoscience digitalization with a worldwide scope
A yearly technical report gathering the findings of the year
A yearly two-days-long workshop
- Technical presentations
- Discussions on the business needs of the members
- Creativity sessions
A yearly steering committee to co-construct the TELLUS roadmap

TELLUS Lab projects
A flexible framework
to launch R&I partnerships
Price to be discussed
project by project
Initiative projects: focused topics and quick delivery
- Case-driven: to address a new use-case with a R&D approach
- Data-driven: to run and assess a methodology on operational data
- Prototype-driven: to develop a tangible tool for your company
Classical projects: wider topics and longer-term objectives
- Bilateral mode: exclusive partnership with a single company
- Consortium mode: joint partnership with multiple companies
Typical deliverables are practical digital solutions
- Evolution and customization of TELLUS Tools prototypes
- Fine tailoring to your operational needs