Expert system

ELK stack with a database / indexation technique for quick searches / dashboards and views.
An innovative method to automatically generate maps of prospectivity, based on Machine Learning and multicriteria decision analysis.
A web-based solution, which transforms cement bond logs images into sets of values and interprets them in terms of cement quality in a semi-automatic fashion.
Well correlations can be partially automated to efficiently consider multiple scenarios and better assess the corresponding uncertainties.
TELLUS Lab Team presented "Deep Learning Applications to Unstructured Geological Data: From Rock Images Characterization to Scientific Literature Mining"
A joint publication between the TELLUS team at IFPEN and IFP School addresses the benefits of emergent digital technologies
EOR choices are often addressed with circular processes, increasing decision time without necessarily improving final choice
Companies often accumulate very large amounts of documents stored in multiple folders
Identification of lithological types from rock samples is cornerstone in many subsurface activities
IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) and UNESCO have signed a framework partnership agreement
The Mineral Exploration Symposium was co-organized by the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) and the European Commission
Research for Integrative Numerical Geology (RING) is an international research consortium dedicated to geomodelling and quantiative geosciences