Demo Projects

Utilizing a graph view serves as the intuitive method to display categorizations, interconnections between related documents, and meta-information pertaining to the documents.
ELK stack with a database / indexation technique for quick searches / dashboards and views.
A web-based solution, which transforms cement bond logs images into sets of values and interprets them in terms of cement quality in a semi-automatic fashion.
Automatic extraction of images of interest in document database can improve the efficiency of operational workflows and help professionals save time for higher-value activities
Field data management remains mainly paper-based and is time-consuming

Geomodels usage generates large amounts of data. Model size raises several issues such as visualization, storage, transfer, memory footprint...

Our objectives are to offer both a multi-resolution and compression solution: compression for storage gain, multi-resolution to fit model resolution with the aimed usage.



Geomodelling is a long and progressive task. Numerous versions of the model are produced, first in the building phase, then in the calibration one